Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dr. Who Week

Facebook is known for its profile picture month celebrations. Starting on February 13, a member managed to spread an event to fans across the world of the classic British show, to dedicate a week to everything Dr. Who. Fans have been changing their profile pictures, to those of Doctors and companions, as well as famous aliens, such as the Slitheen, and variations of the Tardis.

In honor of Dr. Who week, after conversations with fans, as well as looking at the characters most chosen as a profile pic, I have put together the Doctors and Companions recognized and praised the most during the week:

The Doctors

Ninth Doctor

Though he only got one season, the current Dr. Who would not exist if it wasn't for Christopher Eccleston's portrayol of the infamous character. With the Bad Wolf arc, hints of Torchwood, Daleks, and a final kiss with Rose, what's not to love about his unffortunaetly short season?

Tenth Doctor

David Tennant is possibly the most popular of the Doctors. Picking up where Eccleston left off, he dives right in to the role with memorable jokes and lines. Tennant lasted three seasons, with many specials in between. Continuing the arc with Rose, mentions of Bad Wolf, a daughter, and The Master, the Tenth Doctor remains one of the most pivotal regenerations of The Doctor character.

Eleventh Doctor

Although many were worried for Matt Smith to take over after Tennant's long run, Smith managed to pull together the Eleventh regeneration well. With one season under his belt, he dives into the second with high hopes and Karen Gillian (Amy Pond) portraying his companion again, sparking a record for havnig the same companion in two complete seasons since the original show, before its sixteen year lapse between eight and nine.

The Companions:

Rose Tyler

The first companion since the sixteen year lapse, Rose started off strong, and ended strong. Billie Piper stayed true to the character, making her a well-rounded strong woman who was not afraid to look deep into the heart of the TARDIS to help save The Doctor. As her relationship grew, and though we all missed her during Ten's seasons, she returned, succeded in helping him save the universe, and even managed to live out her years happily with the human form of The Doctor.

Amy Pond

The current companion portrayed by Karren Gillian. Amy is a nice refreshing character, and a nice throwback to the fiestier companions. Although she has lately been critized as being a bit too scandalous iwth her short skirts and thin, black tights, the writers don't plan on changing her character any time soon. She brings a nice balance to the TARDIS and is the perfect counterpart to Matt Smith's portrayal of Eleven.


A Time Lady from the same planet as The Doctor, she regenerates until she finds the form she desires, and manages to continue her assignment as the Fourth Doctor's companion. While Lalla Ward portrays Romana's second regeneration, her first should not be forgotton. With Douglas Adams as script editor for her regeneration, and the close relationship with the Doctor, Romana is one of the most remembered companions, up there with likes of Sarah Jane, who currently on BBC has her own spinoff show.

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